Monday, October 5, 2009

October 6, 2009 12:20 AM

I wasn't going to write this soon, but it seems I need to.

Since he was not able to have a chemo treatment last Monday, he has been up and down with feeling really good and feeling really crummy. Thursday and Friday he felt poor. He just kind of sat there, not in the world, not interested in eating or any type of conversation. He had a sore spot in his throat that was making swallowing uncomfortable. The biggest problem was that he was so faint and dizzy that we really didn't want him to stand, even with the walker. I finally called the doctor's nurse, who is in charge of John's case, and she said to bring him in for an IV to re-hydrate him.
We told her that he had been drinking a large amount of water that day (Saturday), but she explained that if you are all of a sudden drinking a lot of water, which he was, it would take several days for your body to get hydrated, because when you drink water, most of it goes to your organs and a little goes to the cells, so it would take a ton of water or days of a lot of water, for it to get into the cells to keep you hydrated. But, when you use an IV, the liquid goes directly to the blood stream and gets to the cells quickly. I shared this with you, as it was new information to us and we thought it interesting.
So, after almost four hours of liquids going into him, he felt good immediately. So, we figured that was what was wrong with him. They thought the sore throat was a swollen lymph node. And the next day, Sunday, he felt very good. In fact, it is hard to even realize he has such advanced cancer.
And he felt really good Monday. He even felt like going for a ride and running some errands with me. Most of the time, he waited for me in the car while I did the "running around", but he wanted to go visit his friends at Target, so he went in and did some visiting and had a pizza for lunch there. It was good for him to get out of the house, but he went right down and took a long nap.
He felt well enough to have some company over last night.... of course the homemade apple pie was enjoyable too. And, tomorrow he hopes to see some of his favorite kids who miss seeing him at Target. And, this weekend we are looking forward to seeing our grand daughter, Aubree, for awhile.
Thanks, again and still, to those who are spontaneously bringing in food and treats. We had some wonderful homemade chicken noodle soup tonight and it lightened my load a bit.
Well, we will see what tomorrow brings. He has been continually drinking more water, so we are hoping that will take care of his dizziness. I guess the nausea comes with the illness, but he hasn't been throwing up very much this last week.
Each morning is a new awakening....... "How do you think you are today?" We'll see.


  1. Thanks so much for the update. We didn't know about the water situation either. Guess we should all be drinking more water on a regular basis.

    We were so happy to hear that the hydration helped him feel MUCH better!

    We love John to pieces! Well, and you too Nancy. :-)

    As always, you are all in our prayers.

    Lucky people at Target who know John Miles!

    Gracie and Spock

  2. I love that he worked at Target! And he had tons of friends too. Glad u guys figured out the problem and he is feeling better!

    See you soon!

  3. Hey, I'm just now catching on to the "comment" section.... duh.

    Thanks for your input. Hope the blogs are informative, at times.
