Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009 10:23

Well, it seems I do have something to report, so here it is:
Today John had his rehydrating and it went well. He always feels better after this treatment. By this evening, the Cancer Center called us and said his blood results were in and his red blood cells are very low. John couldn't remember the counts... the good count and the low count, but they said way too low and they have scheduled a blood transfusion for Monday.
They VERY interesting thing about this news we received is, they said a low red cell count is the cause of his weakness, being so tired, dizziness, nauseous, feeling faith and any other symptom he has been suffering with.
So, we are looking forward to this procedure, which, by the way, takes up to six hours, and looking forward to him feeling much, much better.
We'll let you know.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the transfusion works wonderfully!

    :-), Gracie and Spock
