Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday September 17, 2009

Dear all:

Today is an extremely difficult day for our family. John went in for a treatment yesterday and as most of you know, they feared a blood clot in his lung, so admitted him into the hospital and ran a CT Scan. The doctor came in this morning and told us, "there is no blood clot, but signs that the chemotherapy has failed and the tumors are taking over, including into the bones."

He continued to explain that there is one other treatment we could consider, but it was a milder treatment than the original chemo, which worked for awhile, but ultimately has failed. With this other treatment, there is only a 15-20% chance that it would do any good and he could have worse side effects, with no possibility of a recovery. He suggested we just get the pain under control and make him as comfortable as possible. Social Services has been in to make arrangements for Hospice, for when we come home. He will need a lot of help, as he can't get out of bed at this point.
He was in so much pain, they put him on a morphine drip and left Lori and I to talk over with John what we should do.
We have had a lot of medical people in, with tests and procedures and visits from our bishop, Bruce Tall, our stake president and a few others, that we did not have a chance to discuss what John wants to do at this point. Now he is totally out and needs the sleep.
He was given a beautiful blessing and he and I both felt at peace when it was over.
They have sleeping arrangements here at the hospital and I am staying overnight, but in the morning, we will have to make some tough decisions.
Due to the strain of all this, I am asking that you hold the phone calls and contact us through this blog, facebook or email. It has already been overwhelming, so hope no one is offended and you can understand where I am coming from. Thanks.


  1. we love you all and keep you in our prayers. jen and sean

  2. nancy,
    we do understand that you and your family need this time. please know that you all are loved so very much. what great examples you and john are to all of us that know you! we love you and have you both in our thoughts and prayers.
    lots of love,
    the rose's

  3. I've been silently following the story but I must be heard now. I understand a little of what you're going through and my prayers are with you both. I have felt the many prayers of my loving ward family in times past and I know that the Lord is mindful if you both and will get you through. Hang in there and know that you are loved!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear the news. The three of you are in my prayers. Wish I could be in Utah to give you a little help and support. Please tell John we love him and are thinking of him daily.
