Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 29, 2009 8:45 PM

Well, Thanksgiving is over and I think John did pretty well. He is pretty tired today and slept a lot, but was thankful for having some family come and saw quite a few friends.
He has been in and out of pain, some times extreme. Due to the various tumors, the pain moves from spot to spot. Like from his left side, just under the armpit and above the belt line, to mid lower back, to the stomach area, then to the left chest.
As you know, he was in the hospital for six days last week and his pain was so out of control that I didn't know if they could find the right drug for him. When he left, it was under good control, but as this week has progressed, he has had to have extra pain pills, over and above the two patches he is wearing. And then he gets quite shaky and I don't know if it is the pain or nerves that set him off. When he gets shaky, he has a difficult time getting around.
Tomorrow, he starts his new treatment and he is so positive it is what he should do. So, that means, I must share that same attitude, So, we'll see how that goes and I'll share that with you, when I find out myself.
Here are two pictures of Thanksgiving. One with me and one without and my nephew, because we were taking the picture. I know you will be very happy and surprised the see just how great John looks. You would never know he was ill at all. Me, I don't look so good, but I'm hanging in there.
We hope you all had some quality time with some of your family. I know some are suffering from lost loved ones and family members who are suffering as we have, but still, there is so much to be thankful for. Even with what we are dealing with, we still have more time together, which we are thankful for.

1 comment:

  1. You're right! John does not look sick at all in these photos. And you are as beautiful as ever! (I've ALWAYS been an honest person so don't even try to argue with me, ok?) Lori looks great too!

    So glad you were able to have family and friends over.

    You guys are AMAZING!!!

    Love you to pieces,
    Gracie and Spock
