Monday, July 27, 2009

John's cancer update 7/27/09

At the suggestion of Karen Parrott, I have set up a blog, which was very helpful to their family, when Margo underwent her heart surgery. I loved going on it and finding out the latest on Margo's condition and all the things that were going on during that time. However, I am not as creative and don't think my notices will bring much humor and good reading to you. But, at least you will not wonder what is going on.

I am sorry for the impersonal way of letting people know how John is doing, since he was diagnosed with cancer. For those that didn't get the complete story, or only parts of it, a ct scan was taken and a "mass" showed up malignant, but the doctor did not feel the cancer originated in that area. So, they ordered a PET scan, which is a full body scan, where all areas that show any signs of cancer would "light up like a Christmas tree". Then, they would know where the cancer started, the type of cancer and what our options would be for treatment.

The PET results came in and the news was not good. The cell were not identifiable, so the type of cancer is not known. So, the cell type is unknown.

The scan came back with signs of cancer throughout his body. To be more specific, there is some in the lymph nodes in the middle of the chest, in the Rt scapula, L second rib (in the front), L2 & L3 lower back disks, pelvis (hip area), a small amount in the thyroid and heart and both lungs.

The good news is, the kidneys, liver and remaining organs have no signs of cancer in them.

There is hope in a new chemo treatment that does not have the awful side effects of old. No vomiting or hair loss, but will cause him to be very tired and his immune system will be low.

So, we have decided to start with the radiation treatment in the lower back area, where so much of his pain has been. If this is successful, we will move on the the chemo treatment, which offers a wide sweep over the cell and hopefully will kill all in it's path.

We should know within 2 months if this treatment is going to be beneficial or not. We are not planning past that time.

We continue to thank you for your love and support and all comments are relayed directly to John.

Until next report, Love, Nancy & John


  1. The blog is a great idea. Love you guys and we'll continue to keep you in our prayers.

    - The Berry's

  2. I love the idea of this blog. We have certainly been thinking about you guys a lot. This is such a great way to keep in touch without making you spend hours on the phone :) Our family is so sorry to hear this news today. We will, without question, keep you guys in our prayers. Jack and Nixin include Grandpa Miles in every one of their prayers... including the dinner prayer. Our offer will always stand to help you in any way possible. Please do let us know what you need. We love you both so much!!!

  3. Thanks for the info. I have been thinking of you and John often. Two people who are easy to love! Definitely keeping you in our prayers! Love, The Duncan's

  4. Hi,
    Sorry to hear that the news is not ALL good. We will all join in the fast on Sunday. There are so many amazing new chemo treatments that WE WILL NOT GIVE UP! Hang in there dad. I hope they can get you more comfortable very soon. We love you both.
    Love, The Wilsons

  5. We send our love and prays to you guys. If there is ANYTHING we can do, please let us know. We're not far & would be willing to help where we can.

    Hugs to you both, Scott & Olivia Carter (Sydney & Rob too)

  6. We love you guys so much and we are praying for you. We will continue to watch for updates.

    Love, Emily, Russ and Mirian Carlson

  7. Nancy

    This blog is a great idea and will relieve you of the stress of having to repeat the same news whether good or bad over and over. Just know that we are thinking of both of you and send our love.

    Bill & Bev Jarvis

  8. Thanks for setting up the blog, it is a great way for all of us who love & care for you to stay updated.
    Please let me know if I can help you with any of the medical jargon.
    Kate McDonald

  9. Nancy, John, and Lori:
    Thank you for the blog. We are praying for you, all the physicians involved and the miracles of medicine! And - you are creative!
    Hugs and love: Mary, Paul and family.

  10. Thanks for the update. I have hated to call knowing you are probably sick of your phone ringing. but we are thinking about you both. I know that radiation will make a huge difference. It really is amazing how fast it works for most people. Relief is on the way dad! I sent you an email with some pictures of Tanner in Mexico that I thought would give you a little good cheer. All the grandkids are here and it is crazy and loud but i love every minute of it. I'm thinking of coming out toward the end of August but I'll let you know. Remember-big dogs make for great food storage! Oh yeah, Lori doesn't eat meat. Never mind. Talk to you soon
    Love, Diane
