Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday September 15, 2009

OK, so I let a day go by without reporting in, sorry.

Yesterday morning John woke up with a pain in his left hip and shortly thereafter he had the dry heaves and was shaking pretty hard, which we and the doctor can't explain. He gets tremor like shakes and he can't hardly take a drink, so I hold the glass and he uses a straw. But within an hour, all these symptoms stopped and he was feeling good. We think his hip hurt, because he slept on the left side a long time and he is just bones right now. Can't explain the nausea, but it didn't last at all, plus, I gave his a nausea pill.

Today he was good all day. Lyle took him for a regular doctor visit, which got him out of the house for a few hours and it was good for a change. But he wasn't up to doing anything more than returning home and going to bed for a good nap.

He has gained a few pounds, up to 149 now, but didn't eat well today. He just doesn't have an appetite, except for the things he shouldn't have, because of his diabetes. But, I guess calories are good for him.

Until tomorrow, good night.

1 comment:

  1. It's okay if you let a day or more pass without reporting. You are, after all, quite busy and probably very tired. As much as we all appreciate the up-dates, it's your life and you can only do what you can do. No need to exhaust yourself for us. :-)
    Glad to hear that John's "awful" episode only lasted a short while. What a nice break his feeling good days and nights must be for both of you.
    Love ya',
    Gracie and Spock
